This page is for Parents/Carers to find out more about the Careers and Work Experience programmes at Poltair School for our students.
More students information around careers can be found here.
Types of Apprenticeship
The popularity of apprenticeships is growing rapidly with young people able to start them at a wide range of entry levels including:
- Traineeships: a programme for those not quite ready to go into a full apprenticeship.
- Intermediate Apprenticeships: Level 2/3 for beginning the apprenticeship journey, starting age from 16, no upper age limit.
- Advanced Apprenticeships: Level 3/4 apprenticeships equivalent to two A level passes with valuable work experience.
- Higher Apprenticeships: Levels 4-5. Suitable for those looking to build on their knowledge and progress from their Advanced-level qualification.
- Degree Apprenticeships: Levels 6-7. Degree apprenticeships are offered by universities and other higher education providers in partnership with employers. They contain either a full degree or degree-level qualification and go up to master’s level (which is postgraduate).
Resources for Students and Parents
Apprenticeship levels explained
Apprenticeships hints and tips
Step-by-step guide to applying for an apprenticeship
National Apprenticehip Week 2025
National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is an annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships, which aims to shine a light on the amazing work being undertaken by apprentices, employers and training providers across England.
It is also a fantastic opportunity to inspire our students to consider apprenticeships as a future option and to share information about apprenticeships and technical education.
For more information about national events happening during the week, please click the link below:
If you would like to find out more about apprenticeships, visit Amazing Apprenticeships’ Parent and Carer zone:
and also sign up to receive the monthly magazine Choices, the ultimate parent and carer guide to apprenticeships and technical education:
Work Experience
Poltair School’s Work Experience Week for Year 10 is at the end of the school year, during Curriculum Enrichment Week. ]he week sees students from our school, working with employers all over the county and beyond, experiencing a wide range different industries. The programme is managed by Ms Turner, our Careers Lead.
At Poltair, we aim to ensure our students have a meaningful and enjoyable experience where they can develop their skills and understanding of today’s workplace.
Throughout the year, students will work on activities with their tutors that help them begin to understand the value of Work Experience equip them with the knowledge and skills to be able to identify which employers can offer them this important opportunity and how they can ensure their applications put them ahead of the competition! They will learn how to write employer letters, follow up procedures, organising their time and priorities, engaging with professionals for help and advice and so much more. In addition to this, our team of tutors, Ms Turner and other career professionals will be on hand to help support students throughout the process.
Work Experience Downloadable Resources
Approval and Consent E-Form 2024-2025
In addition to the information above, every student has access to the Veryan website (a database of employers that have previously offered work experience to Cornwall students).
Careers Policies
Completed Work Experience Placement Approval & Consent Forms must be returned by the following dates:
Out of County Placements – 14th February 2025
Local Placements (In Cornwall) – 4th April 2025
Please note that there can be no extension on the above deadlines. Students who fail to meet these deadlines will be enrolled on our in-school work experience week which includes workshops, careers research sessions and a range of visiting speakers.
Poltair Schools Careers lead is:
Mrs Lorraine Turner
01726 874520