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Our School

Since joining the Cornwall Education Learning Trust, Poltair School has embarked on a remarkable journey of rapid transformation. Our commitment to excellence has been recognised, and we are proud to be rated as a Good school, with outstanding features in Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, and Leadership and Management.

We believe that school should be a happy place where students feel safe and secure. Learning should be fun and exciting so students are engaged in their studies.

Why choose Poltair School?

Poltair is a school where so much is happening.


"Poltair School has high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and high aspirations for their futures. The warm and respectful relationships that exist between staff and pupils underpin school life. Pupils are proud to attend the school. They are polite and enthusiastic and look after their school environment. Pupils are unwavering in their views that differences are celebrated and that any unkind behaviour is dealt with swiftly and supportively." - Ofsted 2024

Alongside these substantial upgrades to the Poltair buildings and facilities, we have also introduced some exciting and pioneering changes to our teaching & learning offer. The school saw its best GCSE results in history this summer and with the development of both curriculum delivery and enrichment experiences, there really couldn’t be a better time to be considering Poltair School.