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Instrument Lessons

Here at Poltair, we have a highly-skilled team of peripatetic music teachers, who come into school to deliver instrumental lessons to our students.

Instrument lessons are incredibly popular at Poltair School and many students continue to develop their skills over a number of years whether this is towards grade examinations or just for fun.

Learning an instrument develops self-discipline, confidence and character.

As part of our ACE curriculum, enrichment and co-curricular opportunities are hugely important to our school community and all students are encouraged to take part in the wide offer that we have.

We currently offer the following instrumental lessons:
Vocal Lessons
Drum kit Lessons
Piano/Keyboard Lessons
Brass Lessons

All lessons are delivered on a one-to-one basis, and can be either single (15 minutes) or double (30 minutes) lessons.


Prices start from £75 per term, for 15-minute lessons, or £150 per term for 30-minute lessons, with payments being made at the start of term via ParentPay.

*To ensure that this provision is accessible to everyone, we offer a payment plan option for students who are eligible for Pupil Premium and/or Free School Meals. To enquire about payment plan options, please contact our finance team via email - [email protected] 


To sign your child up for instrumental lessons, please click here


If you have any questions or queries regarding the instrument lessons that take place at Poltair, please contact Stefan Richards, Head of Performing Arts