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Joining Poltair with SEND

Joining a new school can be daunting, whether this is as part of a Key Stage transition from Primary to Secondary or an in year move. The SEND team are here to help and to offer signposting, guidance and support when making the important decisions on which school to choose.  

For students who have been identified as having SEND, we believe in supporting the planning process and building relationships well before students join us on their first day.  


Transition from Year 6 

For students joining us from Primary to Secondary, there is lots of universal transition information here. However, we also offer a range of more targeted and bespoke transition activities to enable our new joiners to feel secure and confident right from the moment they start thinking about new schools. It’s a big change and can seem overwhelming sometimes. We are here to support those worries and make the experience a positive one.  

For students joining us with an EHCP for those whose primary school has identified them as having additional needs, we suggest parent/carers and primaries make contact with us in Y5 so that we can begin the transition process early on. Come and meet the SEND team in person, have a Tour of our fantastic school (when it’s quiet to begin with!) and hear how far we have come and where we are headed with our SEND provision.  Then in Year 6, come and visit again, join one of our SEND Transition Afternoons where we invite Year 6 students to an afternoon activity (usually involving baking!) and experience the school within a small group, with a focus on building confidence and reducing anxiety or sensory overload.  


Our joining activities are based around building confidence and character by forming positive relationships with the SEND team from the beginning. It’s our opportunity to meet our new students and understand their individual needs so that our provision or support is tailored and effective.  

We also offer a regular Parent/Carer Café to support families in the transition process. Each café is themed and we invite guest speakers from a variety of backgrounds to join us. Please see the transition pages on the website to book on to the session.

Finally, we also offer Summer Camp which is attended by the SEND team and a brilliant opportunity for our new joiners to spend some time with their peers and meet their trusted adults in a friendly and fun experience.